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Friday, August 21, 2009

How To Put Youtube Video On Blogger Blog

Put youtube video on blogger is very simple. You can embed youtube video on blog areas such as sidebar, posts, featured section etc. It is useful to attract / inform your reader with clear explanation. Use and embed youtube video clip music, video tutorials, breaking news video and others to share. So if words and picture are not enough why don't you provide the video?

lets try to put youtube video on blogspot blog :

1. First, find the video you want to put on your blog. For example you want to put blogger tutorial video as the image below depict :

2. Take a look at the top sidebar, you can see video's URL and embed code

Copy "embed code"

3. Log in to blogger account

If you want to put YouTube video on post, create new post - choose Edit HTML mode - then paste "embed code" - Save / publish your post

If you want to put youtube video on sidebar, go to Layout - Page Element - Add A Gadget - Choose HTML/JavaScript - then paste "embed code" - Save

Now you have an embedded video on your blog :)



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