Free Back Links

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Online Jobs Free XML Templates

Theme Name: NetWorker
Theme URI:
Description: An adsense ready theme from
Version: 1.0
Author: Anthony Baggett
Author URI:

Wordpress Theme
Demo | Download
Blogger Template
Demo | Download

Dark Zen Free Template

Theme Name: DarkZen
Theme URI:
Version: 1.0
Author: Daily Blog Tips
Author URI:
Wordpress Theme
Demo | Download
Blogger Template
Demo | Download

Monday, November 2, 2009

What is RSS Feed? How does it work?

RSS is a standard format for syndicating content on the Internet. The content can be anything! Often information contained in an RSS feed is syndicated on other sites which expands its reach.

Website visitors love RSS because they choose which feeds they wish to subscribe to, if at any point they are unhapy with the content contained in the RSS feed they simply unsubscribe and no longer receive notification of
feed updates.

RSS is really a win, win for both subscribers and publishers.

In order to get a better understanding of how RSS works download an RSS reader or use a web aggregator and subscribe to an RSS feed (they are usually indicated by a small orange icon).

Jobs in Google: Google Ranked World's Most Attractive Employer

It's a good bet that mailmen (and/or mail servers) are still delivering huge numbers of applications and resumes to Google. A very large survey has confirmed that university students regard the search giant as the world's most attractive employer.

Universum contacted almost 120,000 students from Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Russia, Spain, the UK, and the
US regarding which companies they'd most like to work for. The result: Google won in both the business and engineering categories.

Not many of the other corporations we usually cover made either list; you'll find PricewaterhouseCoopers, Goldman Sachs, and Ernst & Young on the one side, and IBM, BMW, and Intel on the other. But Microsoft scored quite well, at least, coming in at number three on the business side of things and number two in terms of the engineering rankings.

So both Google and Microsoft will probably continue to employ people of the highest caliber for the foreseeable future. It just looks like Google might maintain a bit of an edge, perhaps getting kids who are in the top 0.5 percent of their class instead of the more pedestrian top 1.0 percent or so.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

ThunderSoft Released new Flash Slideshow Software - AlbumMe 1.5.5

ThunderSoft, the provider of flash slideshow software, today announced the release their new flash slideshow software product - AlbumMe.
AlbumMe is a software that is easy to use to create flash photo album from your digital photos, complete with ready-to-use animated templates, stunning transition effect, text captions, music etc.You can embed your favorite published flash slideshow into your blog, Myspace, or other web pages to show off.
What can we do with AlbumMe?
*Create animated flash photo album.
*Simple flash slideshow with stunning transition effects
*Thumbnail photo gallery.To make a flash gallery from your photos.
*Musical flash E-card
*Photo screensaver. To make your unique screensaver in just minutes.
*Slideshow on Internet. It's easy to embed your show into your web pages, blog, MySpace and share it with your friends.
Pricing and Availability
AlbumMe is priced from $39.95 and trial version is available for free download. To get more information and obtain a free trial version, please visit:
About ThunderSoft
ThunderSoft is a is a photo slideshow software developer dedicated in photo slideshow applications for both business and home users. Our mission is to help customers make their photo lives efficiently and easily by providing them with innovative, powerful and easy to use photo software products.
Xiaohui Chen, Sales Manager of ThunderSoft
Email: sales@flash-photo-album.comsales@flash-photo-album.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Tomorrow's world: The gizmos about to change the way we live

The future of architecture
The imagined architecture of the future is a popular cinematic backdrop. And it's not always pretty. Blade Runner and The Fifth Element, with their dizzying skyscrapers, teetering above decaying ground-level cities, send a shiver down the spine. Metropolis, despite a clever, many layered road system weaving through buildings (far superior to the primitive M25) is bleak. Minority Report has terrifyingly interactive shopping malls (Tom Cruise is harassed in one by bullying personalised adverts). Gotham City at least has the Batmobile to cheer things up, while the house in Sleeper has stylish curves – and an orgasmatron.
But are any of them anywhere near the reality of what's to come? There's both good news and bad. Height and curves are definitely in, and while intrusive interactivity will reach a whole new level, there are also gadgets (almost) as brilliant as the orgasmatron in store...

Online Tools to Help eBay Sellers Increase Sales

EBay sellers need all the help they can get these days, and judicious use of available online tools can be quite beneficial.
Here are a couple of really good online tools for eBay sellers:
ListingTicker is a FREE eBay widget from that lets you post your current auction listings on eBay to your blog, website, or web page.
This thing is incredibly easy to use!Simply enter your eBay ID into the designated space, then click a button to generate your unique code.
Then, you copy and paste the provided code onto your website, web page or blog.It’s just that easy and presto---there is a full list of all your eBay auctions for others to see and hopefully buy.
Click Here for the FREE ListingTicker Tool!
FreeForm Auction Templates is an absolutely fabulous way for you to personalize your eBay templates!
This site has an amazing template builder that allows you to customize colors, backgrounds, wallpapers, font style, size and color, add photos, music and so much more!
The customer service from Rob, creator and owner of FreeForm is nothing short of phenomenal---always super quick response!
One extremely nice feature of FreeForm is that you can create and save up to 20 descriptions in containers, which is a convenience in itself, as you can do your product descriptions and upload photos at a later time, for instance.
When you use FreeForm, you may choose one of their backgrounds or one of your own choosing that you import from your files. FreeForm helps you create professional looking, unique and individual auction listings for eBay or any other venue when it is important to set yourself apart from your competitors.
It’s free, but Rob does ask for $1 per month donation to use FreeForm. This service is worth a LOT more than one measly little dollar a month!
Take a look around Rob’s FreeForm and you can get an idea of the fantastic auction templates you can design quickly and easily:
Click Here to go to Rob’s FreeForm Auction Builder!
 These online tools can help you build your eBay sales and they’re FREE!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Another scrapbooking layout, Present Blogger template converted from wordpress theme. This template is suitable for your scrapbook, art, handycraft, and personal blog


credit :

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Arto Blogger Template, dark, grunge, art design blog. Suits your personal portfolio blog


Falcon Hive

Beach Rest

Beach Holiday Blogger template with beach and sea background image suitable for travel blog.

Installation Setting
Change timestamp format to Saturday, 03 October 2009


Falcon Hive


Marikit blogger template is converted from wordpress theme. Features banner ads, flickr gallery, tweet meme button. This template is designed clean and ads ready suits your business blog

Padd Solution


Thursday, September 17, 2009

5 Stars Premium Theme

Five Starts Free Premium Theme, free premium template for blogger, dominated with white and grey color, this template designed clean and neat. Featured with navigation menu, feeds subscribe, featured post, search form, and banner ads. Suitable for your business and news blog

Installation Setting
Click here for installation setting


A Lovely Day


A Lovely Day blogger template, what a cute layouts with animated kids header image. This template suitable for your kids, baby, children blog


Fifa Games

Insurance Site

Recently I was working with my new insurance blog. I started the project because is seem like the insurance business is growing today. In the United States alone, there are over forty seven people that are un-insured, so it makes the market of insurance industry is big, not counting those who already have insurance, they are still a good market.

Talking about insurance, especially low cost health insurance is highly demanded. The good insurance site usually gives a free and no obligation insurance quote.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Speed Up Your Website

Start by stripping out all inline style and converting files into pure HTML code. Look at the pages and see if elements can be created more efficiently (usually tables can be converted to CSS). Once pages are stripped of all style, you can put those styles into an external CSS file.

  • Reduce the number of HTTP requests.
  • Put all visuals into an external style sheet and position it on top in the .
  • Put all JavaScript in external files and position it at the bottom of the . This will enable browsers to load content (HTML) and visuals (CSS) first, and then take care of javascript functionalities (which are not used until a page loads).

Switching to semantic mark-up also helps, but it's not a requirement. The basic idea is to strip pages down to their HTML structure, group content by div tags and target div tags with CSS IDs and Classes.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cholestero Facts

Is the cholesterol in egg yolks the "good" or "bad" kind? Can you "burn" cholesterol by exercising? Which has more cholesterol, a tablespoon of butter or a cup of peanut butter?

Most people know that fat is bad for them, but two-thirds of Americans are confused about how cholesterol differs from fats. The fat issue is actually the most clearly defined topic in nutrition. Yes, most Americans should cut the fat. They need to do it now and for the rest of their lives, for the sake of their hearts, health and waistlines.

Given that National Education Cholesterol Month is this September, stockpiling some cholesterol facts may be in line. Learning more will clear up the confusion and help you to dodge the fat in your diet.

The Facts about Cholesterol

Can You Burn Off Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a type of lipid, just as fats are. However, unlike fat, cholesterol can't be exercised off, sweated out or burned for energy. It is found only in animal products, including meat, chicken, fish, eggs, organ meats and high-fat dairy products.

Is Cholesterol Good or Bad?

Just as homemade oil-and-vinegar dressing separates into a watery pool with a fat-slick topping, so also would fats and cholesterol if they were dumped directly into the blood. To solve this dilemma, the body transports fat and cholesterol by coating them with a water-soluble "bubble" of protein. This protein-fat bubble is called a lipoprotein.

  • Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) carry cholesterol to the tissues. This is "bad" cholesterol, since high LDL levels are linked to increased risk for heart disease.
  • High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) carry excess cholesterol back to the liver, which processes and excretes the cholesterol. HDLs are "good" cholesterol; The more HDL you have, the lower your risk for developing heart disease.
  • HDLs and LDLs are found only in your blood, not in food.

Test Your Cholesterol

Your risk for heart disease can be assessed with a blood-cholesterol test. In this test, your total-cholesterol reading should approximate the sum of your LDL, HDL and other lipoproteins. If you have 3.5 mg of total cholesterol, or less, for every 1 mg of HDLs, then your cholesterol ratio is ideal. According to guidelines from the National Cholesterol Education Program:

  • Total cholesterol should remain below 200 mg/dl, unless HDL is high.
  • LDL should be lower than 130 mg/dl.
  • HDL should be 35 mg/dl or higher.
  • People under age 30 should shoot for an even lower total cholesterol of 180 mg/dl.

The Fat Primer

The fats that supply calories, float in your blood and accumulate in your thighs and hips are called "triglycerides." They can be saturated or unsaturated, and the unsaturated ones can be either monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. For every ounce of triglycerides you eat, you add 250 calories (or 9 calories per gram -- the weight of a raisin) to your diet. Only saturated fats increase blood levels of cholesterol and heart-disease risk.

Which Ones Are Saturated?

In general, the harder a fat, the more saturated it is. Beef and dairy fats are mostly saturated fats. Liquid oils are usually unsaturated fats, including monounsaturated fats in olive and canola oils and polyunsaturated fats in safflower, corn, soybean and fish oils. Coconut, palm and palm kernel oils are exceptions to the rule; these liquid vegetable oils are highly saturated fats.

Fear of Frying

Eating foods with a lot of saturated fat raises your risk for heart disease; this causes the amount of bad LDLs in your blood to increase while good HDLs decrease. Cut the saturated fat, and your blood- cholesterol levels and your risk for heart disease drop. Your risk for cancer also decreases. A diet with more polyunsaturated fats, rather than saturated fats, lowers total blood-cholesterol levels, but unfortunately also drops HDL levels, so you lose both good and bad cholesterol.

Olive oil is another story. This oil lowers total-blood cholesterol and LDL cholesterol without causing HDL levels to drop. By using olive oil, you can decrease your total-cholesterol levels while maintaining your HDL levels, thus decreasing your risk for heart disease. Fish oil also lowers heart-disease risk. Consequently, olive and fish are the oils of choice.

Trans, Schmans

Hydrogenated fats are liquid vegetable oils made creamy when manufacturers convert some of the unsaturated fats into saturated ones through a process called "hydrogenation." This process also rearranges the molecular shape of the remaining unsaturated fats. The resulting shape is an abnormal "trans" shape.

Trans fatty acids constitute up to 60 percent of the fat in processed foods containing hydrogenated fats. TFAs raise blood-cholesterol levels and increase heart-disease risk just like saturated fats.

Knowing your fats gives you an edge when it comes to buying and preparing the right foods to eat. And when you steer away from the saturated fat and trans fatty acids, you can live a heart-healthy life.

The bottom line is:

  • Eat less fat, especially saturated fat.
  • Limit your intake of fatty meats, fatty dairy products and processed foods that contain hydrogenated vegetable oil.
  • Use olive oil, but in moderation if you're watching your weight.
  • Fill your plate with fruit, vegetables, whole grains, fish and legumes.


Burn Out Bright Blogger Template, transparent layout with bright color background, suits your personal blog





Cypher Blogger Template , simple grunge and artistic layouts with sand effect as its background. This template suits your personal journal blog

DVQ Themes


Green Blog

Green Blog Blogger Template , an artistic layouts with flower swirl and ornament vector as background image. This template suitable for your art and personal blog.





Scrapbook white blogger template, unordinary scrapbook template. You can't get girly layout here, but you'll get as if 1 column blogger template. Featured with photo gallery and hidden sidebar, suits your personal blog

Installation setting
Click here for installation setting


Free Blogger Template


MAG Magic Wordpress Theme

Three column magazine theme with lot of features. License: GPL


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Portfolio Press

Portofolio Press Blogger Template , simple dark layout for your portfolio blog.

Installation Setting
Click here for installation setting



Ocean Kid

Ocean Kid Blogger Template , it's filled with cute kid picture as a background which make it's suitable for kids, baby, parenting, family blog template.





Kaleidoscope Blogger Template , such an artistic scrapbooking layouts suits your scrapbook, personal diary blog




Sunday, September 6, 2009

Speed up Blogger Blog Load Times

There are several things we can think about to speed up Blogger blog load times. It is easy to get a bit carried away by the plethora of widgets that are available on Blogger blogs. Often these are third party scripts that take time to load. All HTML that pulls in information from another site will, bit by bit, slow load times. Typical examples are on this site are:

  • Advertising. These are scripts and sometimes the adverts are the last to load. For example, I am considering doing away with the Amazon advert bottom left in red. I hardly get anything out of it so why bother with it?
  • The statcounter top right is a third party script as is the bookmarker just above. These load OK but they all add up to a slower load time. I would consider limiting these.
  • One particular slow loader is the Digg button under each post. I might get rid of this as well. At the moment, though, load times are just acceptable, I believe.
  • Pictures will always slow loading of the webpage. Internet access is becoming faster so this is less important but an image file, including the header image, should be no larger than about 30,000 bytes (or less) if you have several on the page. If you have one picture on the page then a larger file is OK provided the other factors such as third party scripts have been addressed. One slowing factor contributes and compounds the problem and every little thing helps.
  • Image files should have dimension tags but these are automatically added by free image editing software such as Images should be resized carefully for maximum effect and quality while maintaining minimum file size. Images that are words are best saved as .png files and ordinary photos as .jpegs. Another piece of software that allows image resizing and blog writing is the new Windows Live Writer. I talk about this in another post: Write Blogs in Windows Live Writer.
  • You can tell Blogger how many posts that you would like loaded at one time on the page. The higher the number the slower the load time. To control this go to Customize>Settings>Formatting and select the number in the box against “Show”. I selected 3.

The above factors are all we need to know, in my opinion to control load times. Ultimately the simpler the site with the least amount of images the faster the load time. And load times are important. Speed up Blogger blog load times and please visitors.

Shades of Gray

Shades of Gray Ver 2.0 Blogger Template , such a sophisticated art gallery template. With 4 columns template, ease you as an artist or designer to show your portfolio.

Installation Setting
Click here for installation setting



Stripe Themes

Stripe Themes blogger template, dark simple layout for your personal blog


Rooney Line



Saturday, September 5, 2009

Credit card affiliate

With emerging globalization trends in trade and technology, there is a vast growth in financial markets. Cross-border transactions can happen easily and with use of credit cards, the business house has lot more options to go ahead with. They are no longer under pressure and continue to find innovative ways to market their products and services. Credit cards are used by people all over the world and the number of users is growing at an extremely high rate.

Credit card companies are using affiliate marketing as a strategy and the use of internet has proven to be a success. They use conventional marketing tools such advertisements in newspaper ; magazine, radio and television as well. But advantages of Internet Promotions and affiliate marketing are known to credit card companies . Internet offers opportunities to small entrepreneurs, who want to earn online .

The advent of internet and its spread to the household has been understood by prime financial institutions. For a small business entrepreneur, to market or promote its product or services through online media can be difficult . But, with sufficient information small businesses can get significant advantages from Internet . In other words, affiliate marketing strategy generates the highest return on investment if adequately supported by online interment advertisements. The number of Credit cards sold by affiliate marketing over the internet has grown rapidly over the number of years proves the success of such strategies.

However one must fully understand the implications of this strategy

The Advantages of Affiliate Marketing of Credit Cards

Free Website

Credit card companies offer an excellent promotion by offering a unique website to all their affiliates at no extra cost. They enhance their market penetration and credit card can be sold individually with official representation. For example, the use of websites can help create new prospects, improve logistics, or give know how about the card to the customers. Credit card affiliate marketing presents the advantage of reduced budget . There are no storage costs, when it comes to comparison with printing brochures. You neither have to work with artists for producing television or radio advertisements nor managing a call centre. It presents a fast and cost effective option for penetrating new markets .

Its Cheaper

The Internet is information superhighway for anyone who wants to buy something new. At the same time, persons who want to buy would prefer stay back at home, become aware of the promotions & schemes offered by all the competitors in the business before making actual decision to buy.Some persons prefer the freedom that Internet shopping can offer. As a result, the Internet has become the most powerful selling tool .

Reach everywhere

With millions of person using the Internet to search for products and services, small affilaite can penetrate markets at a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing methods.

Websites act as virtual stores, your businesses can stay open 24/7 . Apart from this, the credit card impacts for greater visibility, thereby creating more opportunities for increasing its customers at relatively low cost . Biggest advantage is to reach out to all unknown potential customers, without any infrastructure and overwhelming marketing costs.

Fast communication

Email makes business communications faster . It does not matter whether the business affiliate is across the street or across the globe . It is easy for the affiliates as well to know the latest news, the results of their marketing campaigns, and of course their bonus and income.


Many online options are available to reach the business prospects. Affiliates can use ezines, blogs, pop-up ads and other online marketing tools to let customers know about the credit card or services as well as provide information relevant to their respective industry . The benefits of this strategy are two fold. Affiliates can effectively heighten brand awareness for their credit card in the market whilst strengthening customer relationships, with shorter time frames .

Content is Timeless

Internet Promotion is for long term & ; enduring. Conventional techniques like participation at a trade fair or conference loses sales impact, once it is over . Even a big advertisement in newspaper or business magazine rapidly degenerates sales generating value as soon as the next issue is released. Internet Promotion is timeless. Apart from the dates and sometimes prices, website content remains valid years after .

Measurement of success or failure

Internet Promotion is measurable. Affiliates can use tools that provide real time statistics, like hit counters for unique visitors, repeat visitors, click through rates (CTR) on advertisements, thereby allowing them to evaluate the effectiveness of a promotion campaign . This helps to determine what works for their particular market and to make timely changes in their marketing strategies .

Credit Card Affiliate - It\'s FREE to join

No startup is required nor investment. An affiliate can register online and need not pay as a cost of setup or initial membership fee. He gets paid if any occurrence of sales takes place through his advertisement campaigns.

Choice of Revenue Plans

A credit card affiliate need not work for one card company only. The credit cards listings are provided by major credit card issuers . The revenue plans have options of choice of cards, at times 150+ credit cards available in Revenue Plans; you can earn as much as $160 per credit card approval or $30 per application . One can preview cards available. You are able to choose which individual credit cards to promote on the site, as some cards may fit the needs more than others.

Custom Templates

With online tools Credit card affiliates can create banners, rotating scripts, clickable ads, flash intros, multimedia intros etc. The customized templates can match website designs and layout . Templates chosen, are hosted on client servers . Means -you just copy paste the code on your webpages, you never have to worry about maintenance .

Direct Payment

Client -server modes of online technology supports the structure of affiliate credit card marketing. The content hosted on your sites can be customized for partner sites, with 100% customization through our Database Connections and Code. Database connections are now free and this facilitates the payments .
Affiliates know exactly how much to expect and when they get paid


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Twitter Wordpress Theme


Tested on latest Wordpress 2.8.0 version
* 3 columns
* Featured video section (can be cofigured via options page)
* Fixed width
* Widget ready
* Gravatar ready
* Adsense ready
* Thumbnail images with posts (you need to add custom field thumb)
* Site-wide 720 x 16 Adsense banner Ads. (can be cofigured via options page)
* Inner page 468 x 60 Adsense banner Ads. (can be cofigured via options page)
* Site-wide 300 x 250 Adsense banner Ads. (can be cofigured via options page)
* Site-wide 125 x 125 Sidebar banner ads.
* Threaded Comments
* Trackbacks separated from comments
* Feedburner Email subscription integrated (can be cofigured via options page)
* WP-Pagenavi integrated
* Options Page to edit the Feedburner ID, Featured Video, and Google ad and other features
* Cross browser compatible with IE, FF, Opera, Flock & Safari
* Theme support/customization via our website

License: Free to use but keep Footer Links AS IS

Extreme Concept Wordpress Theme

Extreme Concept Wordpress Theme. Two columns, black color, fixed width, and adsense ready.

License: Free to use must keep footer AS IS, cannot resell.


Lazylama Wordpress Theme

Lazylama Wordpress Theme. Adsense ready, left sidebar.
License: Free to use must keep footer as is.

Oriental Themes

Oriental Blogger Template, simple layouts with swirl ornament background. Suitable for personal blog



Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Note Guy


Note Guy Blogger Template, white clean layouts built ads ready suits your personal and business blog



Pork and Bean

Pork and bean blogger template, dark color template with wood and grass nature image as a background, make this template suits your personal journal blog

Installation setting
Click here for installation setting


Free Blogger Template

Sunday, August 30, 2009

BlogArtZine Showcase Templates


Platform Blogger
Theme Title BlogArtZine Showcase Templates
Author Kole
URL Author
BlogArtZine Showcase Templates is specially for your fun Blogspot Templates

MAG Magic Wordpress Theme

Three column magazine theme with lot of features.

License: GPL

MAG Premium Wordpress Theme

Three column magazine theme with lot of features. License: GPL

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Obama Ramadan Video Message

American President Barack Obama send a video message to Islamic world regarding Ramadan fasting on behalf of American people. Scroll down to watch the video

Full transcript of Barack Obama’s Ramadan message:

On behalf of the American people – including Muslim communities in all fifty states – I want to extend best wishes to Muslims in America and around the world. Ramadan Kareem.

Ramadan is the month in which Muslims believe the Koran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, beginning with a simple word – iqra. It is therefore a time when Muslims reflect upon the wisdom and guidance that comes with faith, and the responsibility that human beings have to one another, and to God.

Like many people of different faiths who have known Ramadan through our communities and families, I know this to be a festive time – a time when families gather, friends host iftars, and meals are shared. But I also know that Ramadan is a time of intense devotion and reflection – a time when Muslims fast during the day and perform tarawih prayers at night, reciting and listening to the entire Koran over the course of the month.

These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.

For instance, fasting is a concept shared by many faiths – including my own Christian faith – as a way to bring people closer to God, and to those among us who cannot take their next meal for granted. And the support that Muslims provide to others recalls our responsibility to advance opportunity and prosperity for people everywhere.

For all of us must remember that the world we want to build – and the changes that we want to make – must begin in our own hearts, and our own communities.

This summer, people across America have served in their communities – educating children, caring for the sick, and extending a hand to those who have fallen on hard times. Faith-based organizations, including many Islamic organizations, have been at the forefront in participating in this summer of service. And in these challenging times, this is a spirit of responsibility that we must sustain in the months and years to come.

Beyond America’s borders, we are also committed to keeping our responsibility to build a world that is more peaceful and secure. That is why we are responsibly ending the war in Iraq. That is why we are isolating violent extremists while empowering the people in places like Afghanistan and Pakistan. That is why we are unyielding in our support for a two-state solution that recognizes the rights of Israelis and Palestinians to live in peace and security. And that is why America will always stand for the universal rights of all people to speak their mind, practice their religion, contribute fully to society and have confidence in the rule of law.

All of these efforts are a part of America’s commitment to engage Muslims and Muslim-majority nations on the basis of mutual interest and mutual respect. And at this time of renewal, I want to reiterate my commitment to a new beginning between America and Muslims around the world.

As I said in Cairo, this new beginning must be borne out in a sustained effort to listen to each other, to learn from each other, to respect one another, and to seek common ground. I believe an important part of this is listening, and in the last two months, American embassies around the world have reached out not just to governments, but directly to people in Muslim-majority countries. From around the world, we have received an outpouring of feedback about how America can be a partner on behalf of peoples’ aspirations.

We have listened. We have heard you. And like you, we are focused on pursuing concrete actions that will make a difference over time – both in terms of the political and security issues that I have discussed, and in the areas that you have told us will make the most difference in peoples’ lives.

These consultations are helping us implement the partnerships that I called for in Cairo – to expand education exchange programs; to foster entrepreneurship and create jobs; and to increase collaboration on science and technology, while supporting literacy and vocational learning. We are also moving forward in partnering with the OIC and OIC member states to eradicate polio, while working closely with the international community to confront common health challenges like H1N1 – which I know is of particular to concern to many Muslims preparing for the upcoming hajj.

All of these efforts are aimed at advancing our common aspirations – to live in peace and security; to get an education and to work with dignity; to love our families, our communities, and our God. It will take time and patient effort. We cannot change things over night, but we can honestly resolve to do what must be done, while setting off in a new direction – toward the destination that we seek for ourselves, and for our children. That is the journey that we must travel together.

I look forward to continuing this critically important dialogue and turning it into action. And today, I want to join with the 1.5 billion Muslims around the world – and your families and friends – in welcoming the beginning of Ramadan, and wishing you a blessed month. May God’s peace be upon you.

Watch the Video

Friday, August 28, 2009

Daylight Saving Time and Your Gadgets - What You Need to Know

It’s Time Again For Another Time Change

Last year (2007) was the first time in 20 years that new days were established for changing to Daylight Saving Time. Chances are you survived last year’s change to Daylight Saving Time on March 11th and then back to Standard Time in November. The problem is unless your device was upgraded to use the new dates your clocks will not change automatically on the right day this year, the second Sunday in March (March 9, 2008) and your clocks may then mistakenly try and adjust the clock on the old date which was the first Sunday in April (April 6, 2008).

Using Retrevo to Set Your Clocks
Although some of your gadgets can get time updates over the airwaves or cable most will require manual setting. Retrevo can find the exact page in the user manual for most consumer electronics products like digital cameras, camcorders and VCRs. From any page on you can enter the product name and model along with a phrase like “set time, change time, set clock, or change clock.”
Here are some examples on Retrevo:
Sony Camcorder : Sony DVD 505 set time
Panasonic DVR : Panasonic DMR ES25 set clock
Sony Bravia TV : sony bravia xbr 40 set clock

Cell Phone Clocks
Most cell phones synchronize their time to a central service and should receive the correct time on the correct day. If not, you may have to set the time manually.

Check the Clocks On Your Computers
There is a good chance that most administrators were able to get the patches and updates they needed for servers, desktops, and laptops from companies like Sun, IBM, Oracle, Apple, and Microsoft to make the time change transition automatic but just in case it’s a good idea for individuals to have automatic updates enabled on Microsoft Windows-based computers. Vista is all set with the new dates.

If you have the automatic adjust for DST box checked you need to have the update from Microsoft. If you have automatic updates enabled there's a good chance you already have the update.

More Information on Daylight Saving Time

What is Daylight Saving Time?
Daylight Saving Time moves the clocks ahead one hour causing the sun, in affect, to set an hour later. The resulting extra hour of daylight in the evening saves energy, reduces traffic accidents, and even lowers crime rates.
*Even though it's acceptable to say Daylight Savings Time the correct way is Daylight Saving Time.

What's The Problem?
In the days of analog time keeping devices it wasn't a big deal to move the hour hand once around the dial. Today the average household has at least 5-10 devices with digital clocks; everything from computers to VCRs to thermostats.
Compounding the problem is the fact that many devices have been programmed to automatically reset the time on the day the time change normally takes place. Not only will the clock not be changed on the correct day but will change automatically again on the wrong day. Be sure to check the time again on the old dates to make sure the time doesn't get automatically changed.

Hold the Phone
This just in from a University of California study that used data from Indian which showed that DST does not in fact safe energy. Here’s a posting on that study from Chris Null.


Clean Registry Errors 3 Tips Away

Clean Registry Errors - Error Free Computing Now Only 3 Tips Away

Author: Mr. Pom

If your slow computer is causing you frustration, then it is time that you did something to make it work faster. Fortunately, speeding up your computer is something over which you have full control. Before you go about doing so though, you will first of all need to understand why your computer had slowed down in the first place. All the settings and information of all the processes that run in your computer are stored in your computer's windows registry. Over the course of time, through constant usage, the registry entries begin to rise in number. This soon leads to a situation when it could be storing a lot of files that are wrong. Once the database gets 'gummed up' with lots of junk, this is when your computer becomes slow and also a lot more error prone. It is therefore extremely important that you clean registry errors. You can do this by using specialized utility software tools that are specially available for this purpose. The following are some simple, yet very effective tips, which can help you choose the right program to clean registry errors.

Tip#1: While choosing from the various repair programs to clean registry errors, make sure that you select one that offers a comprehensive clean up. It is important that you do some preliminary research before you get one. There are many repair programs which for example, would only list out errors and may not fix all of them. You therefore need to keep this aspect in mind when getting cleaning software.

Tip#2: The best cleaning software to clean registry errors would also be easy to use. The user - interface for example must be simple enough for anyone with some basic knowledge of computers to use.

Tip#3: Most of the online vendors who sell software to clean registry errors, often offer potential customers with a free trial version. Using the free version for some days will help you decide whether to go in for the full fledged version or not.

About the Author:

There are many Registry Repair Software available, Every Registry Cleaner has some benefits as well some drawbacks. I have reviewed top 5 Registry Cleaners Available, Don't forget to Check the Registry Cleaner Review- Click Here, Also Don't Forget to Run a Free Performance Scan using our Top Pick.

Article Source: - Clean Registry Errors - Error Free Computing Now Only 3 Tips Away

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Teeth are valuable assets for some people. To have a perfect smile for my friend Mary is very important for it relates to her job as a model. There are many places of cosmetic dentistry available in my town and they offer many services from teeth whitening and cleaning to having veneers applied to enhance our smile.

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Identity Theft Protection

In this information era, crime is also growing. A kind of crime that doesn’t happen at the old time is identity theft. Did you know that over nine million people per year become victim of this kind of crime? Those victims could loose loans, credit card usage and even credibility.

It is a must for you if you are using credit card or any other service related to identity (That’s everyone!) to use a service called identity theft protection. This protection service prevents your credit card from fraud possibility. There are many kind of services depend on what you need.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Green Light Free Blogger Template

Platform Blogger
Theme Title Greenlight Blogger Template
Author Mun im masrur
URL Author
Type : Blogger beta template (XML)
Column type : 2 column
Template Width : 860 px,
Sidebar width : 300 pixel
Other : Auto Thumbnail, Pict Readmore, animation link hover.


Natural Acne Treatment

The best acne treatment is using natural acne solution specifically formulated for you. Every acne skin care product available today has side effects. I suggest you to consult your doctor or dermatologist. Read carefully the labels, ingredients, and warnings before using any acne treatment products. You have to know your skin type, to prevent you from buying products that will not help you in any way. For improving your acne condition, it is important that you have a daily cleaning routine.

How To Put Youtube Video On Blogger Blog

Put youtube video on blogger is very simple. You can embed youtube video on blog areas such as sidebar, posts, featured section etc. It is useful to attract / inform your reader with clear explanation. Use and embed youtube video clip music, video tutorials, breaking news video and others to share. So if words and picture are not enough why don't you provide the video?

lets try to put youtube video on blogspot blog :

1. First, find the video you want to put on your blog. For example you want to put blogger tutorial video as the image below depict :

2. Take a look at the top sidebar, you can see video's URL and embed code

Copy "embed code"

3. Log in to blogger account

If you want to put YouTube video on post, create new post - choose Edit HTML mode - then paste "embed code" - Save / publish your post

If you want to put youtube video on sidebar, go to Layout - Page Element - Add A Gadget - Choose HTML/JavaScript - then paste "embed code" - Save

Now you have an embedded video on your blog :)


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

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and here is the lyric

Monday, July 20, 2009

David Archuleta - Crush .mp3

Artist: David Archuleta
Song: Crush
Year: -
Genre: Other
Duration: 00:03:34
Bitrate: 192 Kbps
Frequency: -
Downloads: 53121
Format: Mp3 file
This mp3 file was found at:

Download Code

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mbah Surip Tak Gendong Kemana-mana

Here is Mbah Surip Tak Gendong Kemana-mana Song

and the lyric is in here

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Magazine Gallery Blogger Template

This is blogger template from
free to download.
it’s a gallery blogger template, 2 columns, with right sidebar, the index / main page with 4 columns,
top web2 navigation menu,
web2 search box ready.
3 column footer.
blogger read more hack ready.
Magazine gallery blogger template.
here is some instructions to use it.

to make your pages looks perfect you have to
- add the image at the very top of your posts.
- set the image dimensions to be width: 170px height: 215px

Download Code

Template by : kendhin